Charitable Giving During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about our lives since March 2020, including how we give.  Over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation remains challenging for charities.  While most charities have been able to adapt and innovate in order to...

Gender Equality on Board Governance

Gender Equality refers to the equal visibility, empowerment and participation of both men and women in all spheres of public and private life. Gender Equality is women having the same equal conditions as men for realizing their rights and potential as well as to...

Crowd Sourcing

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.  Albert Einstein  When it comes to the world of fundraising and cause-based marketing, truer words have never been spoken. We are so eager to share every aspect of our greater good, every impact...

Planned Giving

A planned gift is a contribution that is arranged in the present and allocated for the future. Commonly donated through a will or trust, planned gifts are most often granted once the donor has passed away.  Planned gifts can be made via cash gifts or gifts of...

Good Governance

Good governance is easy to recognize when things are going smoothly. But when they’re not going well it can be difficult to determine where the problem lies. How can organizations ensure that they’re governed well? A good start is to ensure that you have a strong...
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